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Cole Stevens' No Bad Days Project

Cole's Story
Cole Stevens was only 23 when he tragically lost his life in a motorcycle accident on February 11, 2024.
By donating to a nonprofit that supports causes Cole was passionate about, you are helping keep his memory and legacy alive (Please click the "Donate" tab to do so.).
Cole touched the lives of everyone fortunate enough to know him—whether personally or through the stories shared by his family and friends. He believed that a simple 'Hello' could change the course of a stranger’s day. An old soul, he had a unique ability to help others see life from a completely different perspective.
Embracing every second of each day, Cole believed that life was about having adventures, because adventures led to better stories to tell. His motto was, 'No Bad Days.' He even had it tattooed on his leg as a constant reminder. He believed that no day was entirely bad—there was always something good to find, even if some days required digging a little deeper to uncover it.
He was all about the outdoors, celebrating every sunrise and sunset, gazing at the stars, and searching for shells, rocks, and roadside treasures. He loved to hike in Colorado, West Virginia, Ohio—anywhere and whenever he had the opportunity. His love for climbing began before he could even walk, starting with climbing out of his crib. He belonged to a climbing gym and never met a mountain he didn’t want to conquer.
Cole loved taking his beloved dog, Daisy Mae, on every adventure he could. He always joked that she, unlike his friends, had no problem getting up early for their outings. A passionate advocate for conservation, he believed that every child should be exposed to the outdoors, away from television, social media, and video games.
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